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News & Stories - 08/29/2022

Greater flexibility: bespoke maintenance

Körber Technologies  reduces downtimes with flexible maintenance concepts and integrates customers’ individual requirements and circumstances into bespoke solutions.



Maintenance priorities and objectives are unique to each factory. ‘One size fits all’ concepts often fail to meet specific individual challenges and circumstances.


Körber Technologies' bespoke maintenance concepts prevent unplanned production shutdowns and are consistently tailored to individual requirements and production schedules.

lCustomer projects prove the success of flexible maintenance concepts with their impressive figuresr

Dirk Reuscher, Key Account Manager Service Products Körber Technologies

Long maintenance times and, in the worst case scenario, unplanned downtimes are a real problem for companies facing high production pressure on a daily basis. Cost-efficient solutions are indispensable to guarantee productivity. As requirements and prerequisites are different in every factory, Körber Technologies places its trusts in customised solutions. To develop optimal solution concepts, Körber Technologies holds a joint workshop with customers to examine their circumstances and requirements regarding the conflicting priorities risk, costs and performance and then define their specific individual objective. To do so, what are known as pain points are analysed, the customer’s resources highlighted and the available budget discussed. The end result is an adapted maintenance concept developed specifically for production schedules and the customer’s budget, which saves money and reduces downtimes.

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