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Hauni Pure line: Maximum efficiency during NTRM removal

News & Stories - 12/11/2024

Pure line: Maximum efficiency during NTRM removal

With the new HAUNI Pure-F, we are expanding our range of maintenance-free, high-performance sorters in its Pure line to include the only green leaf sorter on the market.

HAUNI Pure-F machine
As the world's only sorter for whole leaves, the HAUNI Pure-F replaces hand-pickers in GLT with an output of up to 9 t/h.

As suppliers such as TOMRA and Key gradually withdraw from the tobacco market, many tobacco-processing companies are encountering increasing servicing and obsolescence problems and facing the challenge of finding a future-proof solution. Thanks to decades of experience in the sector, we are able to impress such companies with its detection and removal of non-tobacco related material (NTRM): “With the HAUNI Pure-F and the HAUNI Pure Sorter, the world’s most efficient optical sorter, we cover the entire spectrum of tobacco processing with maximum performance,” affirms Ralf Kohlhardt, Head of Technical Sales Primary. “The HAUNI Pure-F is the only sorter worldwide which can even process entire leaves before threshing.” This offers an enormous advantage for green-leaf processing. If the leaves are sorted before classification, this prevents NTRM from being broken down into countless pieces during subsequent threshing to separate leaves from stems. The HAUNI Pure-F ensures great efficiency and cost benefits compared to hand pickers previously used for this purpose.

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HAUNi Pure sorter machine
The HAUNI Pure Sorter is considered the most efficient optical sorter in the world. This belt sorter reliably removes NTRM from raw tobacco

Innovation for greater efficiency

Kohlhardt sees further advantages for customers in our dependable global Service and the highly effective technology that has already proven its reliability in the HAUNI Pure Sorter for Primary: “Our Pure line outperforms laser sorters with its maintenance- and wear-free design concept. The maximum resolution camera enhances efficiency in the sorting process, something which cannot be achieved with any other solution.”

Customers who use our Aerosort, the market-established predecessor to Pure, won't miss out on this high-end camera either: “As a future-oriented high-performance component with a four-channel camera, including a near infrared channel and a new image processing engine, this high-tech vision unit is setting benchmarks in NTRM detection. Consequently, we are also offering the unit as a retrofit package to our Aerosort and TS8 customers,” states Kohlhardt. “In this way, customers can upgrade their existing sorter to the latest technical standards after years of use, thus increasing the efficiency of their processes further.”

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