
We use our expertise and our excellent technologies to develop solutions that span multiple industries, from tobacco and hemp products, straws to energy storage. 

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News & Stories - 10/01/2021

Digital journey partner

As a technology leader, Hauni has worked intensively to expand its digital products and services throughout the customer journey in recent years. The result: customers today have access to a broad spectrum of digital solutions that help them master current and future challenges.

lOur remote products and services have given customers a great deal of certainty in uncertain times.r

Jürgen Heller, CSO Hauni Group

Around the world, the COVID-19 pandemic has put companies in a state of emergency and confirmed the importance of investing in digital solutions. Hauni was able to support customers immediately with comprehensive digital services throughout the customer journey.

If anyone was still in doubt, the events of the past year have highlighted the key role played by digital customer experiences in ensuring economic success. With customers dependent on digital interactions for handling almost every issue and process, powerful solutions are more important than ever.

Hauni has been consistently investing in the expansion of its digital products and services throughout the customer journey for years. “That's now well and truly paid off. Not only did we successfully enable all our employees to work smoothly from home within a few days – we were also able to offer many of our services remotely at short notice. Over the course of the past year, we have continued to develop and expand these with additional products and services,” says Jürgen Heller, CSO of the Hauni Group. “The positive feedback we have received from customers all over the world confirms that our remote services have been able to give them a great deal of certainty in uncertain times.”

Information via digital channels

At Hauni, digitization starts with the procurement of information. Interested customers can use the LinkedIn channels of the Hauni Group brands, where the com pany regularly publishes information on new solutions. These are also available in the specially created News & Stories section of the Hauni website.

Readers who want to find out more can visit the themed websites that Hauni has set up for its innovative solutions, e.g. for hemp products at or for paper drinking straws at Here, articles and videos present all the key information about the respective topics quickly and concisely.

Distance learning

Hauni is also investing in the digital transfer of know-how that extends beyond basic information. Körber's remote support app Xpert View is a real-time collaborative solution for fast remote troubleshooting. It increases productivity, availability and quality while simultaneously reducing maintenance costs, offering direct support from specialists and providing essential information. “In recent months, we have also used this app intensively for machine demonstrations. This has proved a great way to make up for the lost opportunities for in-person presentations,” reports Maher Saleh, Team Manager Hauni Academy.

Another example of successful digital content delivery is the webinars for the PURE belt sorter and the hemp pre-roll maker, which Hauni held last year for up to 100 participants respectively. “With travel severely restricted, this was a great way for our customers to delve deeper into the topics that interested them and ask questions of our experts,” reports Jörg Walter, Head of Marketing Communications. “We fully intend to continue and expand events such as this.”

lThis has proved a great way to make up for the lost opportunities for in-person presentations.r

Maher Saleh, Team Manager Hauni Academy

Digital jump start

A new machine must always be accepted by the customer prior to delivery – a step that requires innovative approaches, especially when travel options are limited. An interdepartmental team at Hauni – from OrgIT, Commissioning and Final Inspection – has therefore developed a solution that makes machine acceptance possible even at a distance: Hauni’s experts use a livestream based on a mobile laptop table, two cam eras and a live connection via Skype4Business. With this equipment, the process is quite close to a conventional acceptance test.

The options ordered by the customer are matched step-by-step with the machine features. In addition, the test shows details of the mechanics and sensor technology. While one Hauni employee records the required images of the machine and shows them to the customer, other experts are on hand to answer any questions that may arise. Meanwhile, a second camera streams a full view of the machine, showing the entire functional process. “We have carried out successful acceptance tests with several customers using this method,” reports Reiner Krause from the Final Inspection team. “For example, we were even able to discuss and evaluate collected samples directly in the laboratory and thus test different formats within two days. Although I would still prefer direct on-site acceptance in some cases, our customers have been delighted with this concept and it has created a real alternative for times of crisis.”

When introducing new solutions in a production facility, employee expertise is an important issue alongside the technology. With its adapted range of courses, individual Online Distance Training (ODT), which Hauni experts conduct live with customers, and the Digital Academy, Hauni has been ideally positioned to meet the current challenges for more than three years. The training platforms offer location-independent courses for technicians and machine operators with effective and targeted learning content that ensures a comprehensive understanding of the machine. 

“Supported by interactive 3D animations that provide step-by-step explanations of important processes, users learn how to operate or maintain highly complex machines using a sophisticated and effective didactic concept,” explains Dorothee Meyer, Product Lead Digital Academy. “The ‘exploration mode’ allows users to get to know individual modules on their own. Each user receives a unique login that gives them access to their own content and the courses which are relevant to them.”

Improvements during operation

Hauni also scores highly in the areas of reactive, proactive and preventive optimization of production processes. Its sophisticated software concepts support short-term problem solving and continuous improvement processes as well as helping to avoid difficulties before they arise. Based on real-time machine data and intelligently shared knowledge, Hauni Digital solutions enable manufacturers to increase output, efficiency and quality in a targeted manner, while reducing material waste and resource consumption.

d.uptime enables operators and technicians to identify the causes of problems for quick troubleshooting while production is running. This helps them to implement solutions and check and document their success. d.production is a digital process management software solution that provides efficient support for meetings. It is also a valuable assistant in the identification, adherence to and further development of optimal standards within the scope of a continuous improvement process. Solutions from Hauni's d.AI range set their sights on automation, continuous learning processes and prevention-oriented optimization.

lThe benefits of the myPORTAL concept have more than proven their worth.r

Jörg Walter, Head of Hauni Marketing Communications

Everything at a glance: myPORTAL

Even in the area of spare parts management, upgrades, software updates and access to documentation, all the essential products, services and information are available from Hauni regardless of time and place. The customer portal Hauni myPORTAL, which was fully revised and upgraded in 2018, presents all the information you need clearly, reliably and transparently at a glance and from a single source.

“myPORTAL cuts through the confusing jungle of offers and products. It allows registered customers to find exactly the right solution quickly and safely – whether they are buyers, maintenance managers or project engineers.” says Jörg Walter. “myPORTAL has been very well received by our customers from the outset and, in this time of limited mobility, the benefits of the concept have more than proven their worth.”

Pioneering: Technical Remote Support

The most urgent time for customers to contact Hauni directly is usually when problems occur or a machine is not performing at its usual level. Hauni Technical Remote Support (see hilite 1_2021, p. 24) shows what it can do here with service packages to suit every need. “Demand for our Technical Remote Support has increased significantly over the past year – clearly proving that our state-of-the-art concept precisely meets both the current and future needs of our customers,” explains Maher Saleh. “When the pandemic hit and contact and travel restrictions were introduced, our investment in expanding these digital services proved invaluable. We were able to continue providing immediate support for every need – from resolving acute problems to finding economical solutions for smaller projects or optimizing machine performance.”

lMany processes can now be handled remotely using smart digital concepts.r

Claus Peters, Manager Customer Csonsulting, Service Products

Optimization from a distance

Almost every company aims to optimize the performance of its production systems. To be effective, however, it is vital to have a solid foundation of data and to identify the right levers and measures for generating improvements. Hauni has digital tools at the ready. From machine performance to product quality or analysis-based improvement measures – Remote Performance Analysis offers manufacturers the opportunity to access Hauni's concentrated expert knowledge at any time. With no need to travel, customers can target improvements in the performance of their production through a combination of consulting and analysis.

Digital relocation planner

The pandemic has shown companies around the world that many processes for which the presence of experts on-site was once considered essential can now be handled remotely using smart digital concepts. “Relocation projects are one example of this,” reports Claus Peters, Manager Customer Consulting, Service Products.

“We have been gathering extensive experience in this area for decades and can successfully orga nize and coordinate projects like these remotely.” In the past few months, for example, the Hauni service team has relocated 14 complete make-pack lines within the EU and to Asia, ensuring on-time commissioning and the required quality in the customer's production facility in every case.

The journey continues

For marketing expert Jörg Walter, such projects are good examples of the consistent expansion of customer-oriented digital solutions and ser vices.“ As a technology leader, we drive innovation and create the conditions for connecting people, data, machines and processes successfully and in meaningful ways. For us, technological progress is always a joint effort. That's why we always work out solutions in interdisciplinary teams and develop new products and services together with our customers.”

The comprehensive digital packages that Hauni provides along the customer journey shows the direction in which the company is heading. “If we hadn't been convinced of the long-term relevance of digital products and services long ago, we would certainly have come to that realization in a year of working under pandemic conditions at the latest,” said Daniel Zamberlan, Executive Vice President of Digital. “During this time, our customers have confirmed to us in numerous conversations how important these tools have been to them – from obtaining information about ongoing projects to optimizing their production facilities. This feed back really inspires us to continue on our chosen path and expand our range of digital products and services still further.”

lAs a technology leader, we create the conditions for connecting people, data, machines and processes successfully and in meaningful ways.r

Jörg Walter, Head of Hauni Marketing Communications

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